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Currently reading

Wolves of the Calla
Bernie Wrightson, Stephen King
(re)Visions - Alice
Anthology;Kaye Chazan;Hilary Thomas;Amanda Ching;Christian Young
Progress: 129/220 pages
Blackout (All Clear #1)
Connie Willis
The Well of Ascension
Brandon Sanderson
Children of Dune
Frank Herbert

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Novel (Flavia de Luce Mystery)

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Novel (Flavia de Luce Mystery) - Alan Bradley Full review over at the SFF Book ReviewWho would have thought I would develop such a regard for 11-year-old, pigtailed crime solvers with a passion for chemistry? But Flavia de Luce and her utterly charming and funny voice have captured my heart. I normally don't even read crime fiction and it wasn't the plot or the mystery that kept me going with this book (and, indeed, its successor) but the character of Flavia. Her eccentric family, her small town with all its inhabitants and her sense of humor have all convinced me that these little, light adventures are worth reading. Even when not on holiday.