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Wolves of the Calla
Bernie Wrightson, Stephen King
(re)Visions - Alice
Anthology;Kaye Chazan;Hilary Thomas;Amanda Ching;Christian Young
Progress: 129/220 pages
Blackout (All Clear #1)
Connie Willis
The Well of Ascension
Brandon Sanderson
Children of Dune
Frank Herbert

Laini Taylor - Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Daughter of Smoke & Bone  - Laini Taylor

All the fans will hate me for this but, my god, this book was bad. Full review is hidden under the title.


THE GOOD: A great idea and a thrilling beginning.
THE BAD: Every character is of unnatural beauty, the language is clunky, there are logical mistakes galore, the romance is revolting, the plot gets dropped mid-book. Plus, cliffhanger (for those who care what happens).
THE VERDICT: Not recommended. Dear YA authors. Not every story needs a forced romance, especially between an old man and a teenage girl. Age is not just about how old you look, it is about experience and maturity. This was a pretty terrible book.

RATING: 2,5/10 – Terrible