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Wolves of the Calla
Bernie Wrightson, Stephen King
(re)Visions - Alice
Anthology;Kaye Chazan;Hilary Thomas;Amanda Ching;Christian Young
Progress: 129/220 pages
Blackout (All Clear #1)
Connie Willis
The Well of Ascension
Brandon Sanderson
Children of Dune
Frank Herbert

Tina Fey - Bossypants

Bossypants - Tina Fey

For a full review, click the title above.


Here's the short version:


THE GOOD: A well-told, hilarious glance into the life of Tina Fey. Not a single boring moment and no whiny biography stuff.
THE BAD: It was very short and, given the issues Fey talks about occasionally, it wouldn’t have hurt to go more in depth.
The audio clip of “Palin and Clinton” on SNL that was cut into the audiobook.
THE VERDICT: Recommended to everybody who likes Tina Fey. Simple as that.

RATING: 8/10 – Excellent fun